Saturday, February 7, 2009


The first post! Exciting! Come along with me as I begin a new phase of my journey...and we're all in this together, aren't we now? It's funny, looking back at events and happenings and incidents in my see how things are, indeed, all connected...a golden thread running through it all. So, now to business, I suppose! Why BLACKFISH and CROW? 2 reasons...first, it's the name of my Etsy shop, and second...the myth and belief surrounding black fish and crows: in ancient Chinese teachings, you must put a black fish in the pond with 9 gold ones for good blessings. The black fish will take away any negative Aspects that come to the area and disperse them. And crow is a Messenger Spirit, according to some Native American teachings...using your dreams and intuition to bring messages from the Wisdomkeepers, and taking messages from you to deliver to those who have gone. So a perfect combination! Now, although I'll moderate from time to time, this is actually a blog for you. A place to post your gratitudes...try, everyday, to find something to be grateful for, and share it here with the rest of us. Please don't use it as an advertising forum. Think - what things in your life Right Now are you grateful for? What makes you smile? What makes you so filled with joy it makes that lump in your throat ? What inspires you? Now that's what Life is about! Me, hmmm, okay...right now at this moment, I am grateful for the puppy curled up on my left foot. She's snoring loudly, and I watch as her little belly rises and falls. She will always have some part of her touching me when she sleeps, so she'll know if i try to leave. i'm grateful for the chance to have a forum to share things with you. So come on...your turn...what - right now - are you grateful for?

1 comment:

Spiral Bettie said...

I am grateful to know that when life takes me to unknown places, I know that I have the strength to meet myself when I get there. She is always waiting.